Microfluidics Immunoassay Analyzers
Model: Microfluidics.
Methodology: Colorimetry, luminescence, Turbidimetry, Immunofluorescence.
Characteristics of Microfluidics Immunoassay Analyzers
- Whole blood test without preconditioning.
- 14 commonly used combination discs to meet the needs of the daily joint tests.
- Non-freeze-dried reagent, no resolution, uniform, and stable reaction.
- Reagents are purchased and used according to demand to prevent waste and abuse.
- Double temperature zone guarantee, reagent refrigeration, suitable reaction temperature, stereo temperature control.
- A drop of blood test shows all results of the same batch.
- From pg to mg, this immunoassay analyzer can meet the requirements of quantitative immunodetection at various levels.
- One step to achieve 6+ immunization combination tests.
Test Menu of Microfluidics Immunoassay Analyzers
Suggest Combination | Test List |
Chest pain | cTnI, MYO, CKMB, HFABP, NT-proBNP, D-D |
Coagulation | PT, APTT, TT, FIB, D-D, FDP, AT3, VWF |
Sepsis | IL6, PCT |
Infection | CRP, SAA |
Gastric Function | PG I, PG II, PGR |
Urine Microcreatinine Ratio | CRE, mAlb, ACR |
Bone health | VD, BAP |
Diabetes | HbA1c |
Blood fat | LDL, HDL, TC, TG, HbA1c |
Cardiovascular & Cerebrovascular | MPO, Lp-PLA2, cTnI, Hs-CRP |
Ovary | AMH, INHB |
Pregnancy | P, β-HCG |
Thyroid Function | T3, T4, TSH, FT3, FT4 |
Rheumatism | Anti-CCP, ASO, RF, CRP |